Prepublishing, Traditional

Traditional Publishing & Hiring an Editor

This question gets asked a lot in writing groups— I plan on going traditional. Do I really need to hire an editor? This is a grey area. There is no "yes or no" response to it. So here are somethings to consider: Traditional publishing is a numbers game. An average agent/publisher (A/Ps) receive over a… Continue reading Traditional Publishing & Hiring an Editor

Prepublishing, Tips & Tricks

Working with Editors

Working with editors is a hard leg on the journey of publishing. From finding recommendations, vetting their abilities, and paying for their services, it can be a complicated ride for a novice. If you’ve tried using Google, you’ve probably made your head spin from what type of editing is needed to the roller coaster of prices… Continue reading Working with Editors

Prepublishing, Tips & Tricks, Traditional

A Writer’s Orders of Operations

I never realized how big of a problem it was for writers to grasp or understand the correct way to go about what happens after they write the first draft. It's a question that's asked repeatedly. So today, with some help from a few editors I know—using their reasoning on some parts—this post is the… Continue reading A Writer’s Orders of Operations